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Registration for Jan-June 2025 dates has closed.  If you missed it, we have some weeks open for both PT and OT! Stay tuned April 2025 for July-Dec intensive sign up dates


Jan 13-17 10-11 (PT) with Jordan 

Jan 27-31 11-12 (PT) with Jordan 

Feb 3-7 2-3 (OT)  

Feb 10-14 11-12 (PT) with Jordan

March 10-14 1:30-2:30 (PT) with Dana 

March 17-21 9-10 (OT)

March 24-28 9-10 (OT)

March 31-Aprill 4 10-12 (PT) with Dana 

April 14-18 10-12 (PT) with Jordan, 9-10 (OT)

April 21-25 11-12 (PT) with Jordan, 9-10 (OT)

April 28-May 2 10-11:30 (PT) with Jordan

May 5-9 2-3 (OT)

May 12-16 10-12 (PT) with Jordan, 11-12 (PT) with Dana, 2-3 (OT)

May 19-23  11-12 (PT) with Jordan 

May 27-30 10-12 (PT) with Jordan 

June 2-6 10-12 (PT) with Dana 

June 9-13 10-12 (PT) with Dana, 11-12 (PT) with Jordan 

June 16-20 1:30-2:30 (PT) with Jordan 

June 23-27 12:30-2:30 (PT) with Jordan 






Please reach out to to be added to the intensive registration email list.  


 Registration is completed via email at this time.  We schedule all intensives in advance.  Scheduling email will be sent out in the fall for dates January-June and then a separate email will be sent in the spring for dates July-December.  


We continue to accept interest outside of these times on a waitlist basis, feel free to reach out at any time. 






All intensive sign ups are performed via an email list.   I will send out a large email blast that will announce the date I will send a large email blast to families for sign ups.  On that specific date I will then send an email with options for dates and times for sessions.  There will be a form within the body of the registration email to fill out in order to sign up for an intensive.  Once I have all responses, I will begin to schedule based on the responses and level of interest in terms of frequency from each family. If you are interested in being on my email blast, please reach out to me and I will add you to the list.


For our Blue Cross Blue Shield in network families.  Insurance will cover 2 hours total of therapy a day.  Can be 2 hours of PT, 2 hours of OT, or a combination of 1 hour PT/1 hour OT


For all other insurance companies, in my experience they will only cover 1 hour of PT and 1 hour of OT a day.  If you come for 2 hours of PT, only one of those hours is typically reimbursable through insurance. 


We are not in network with Medicaid.  Thus Medicaid does not cover or reimburse our services.  Medicaid is a program that typically will only reimburse providers that hold a contract with them.  

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